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Saturday 28 January 2012

Exam Stress: Natural Feeling learn to deal with it.

Stress Points to Ponder
Stress comes in all forms and is an unavoidable consequence of life. Transient feeling of anxiety and Stress is part of life for every individual.

In the course of normal development transient feeling of anxiety is experienced and usually mastered by every child and adolescent.

Anxiety may be focused around certain issues or situation.

A mild degree of anxiety and stress may be stimulating and motivating, and may help to overcome stress; but high degree of stress may be disrupting.

The idea is to function with a level of stress that is life enhancing, not life threatening.

Examinations and interviews are undoubtedly situation, which call for stress.

Every child goes through such situations and learns to cope up with stress arising out of them. They are also learnt by imitation of the parents or parent figures.

Appearing for examination: is one of very common situation, which an adolescent finds difficult of cope up with.

Right approach and right coping strategies may stimulate an adolescent to over come anxiety and maximize own performance in the examination.

Stress is the body's response to any unpleasant situation.

Anything can cause stress as long as it is perceived as unpleasant.

However, some stressful event, such as a close contest in sport, can bring out the best in people.

Common Physical reaction during exam preparations
  • Muscle tension
  • Indigestion
  • Sleep difficulties
  • Repaid uneven or pounding heartbeat
  • Frequent urge to pass urine
  • Fast, shallow breathing
  • Chest discomfort
  • Change in appetite,
  • Constipation or diarrhea
  • Backache
    Eating Healthy
    • Balancing food choices over time is what counts.
    • Breakfast provides the energy needed through an active morning
    • Children who skip breakfast may have trouble concentrating
    • Fast food supply more fat, salt & calories that good nutrition
    • Fast food is moderation won 't ruin a healthful diet, especially when consumed with green salads.
    • Replace finger chips with an apple
    • Add roughage to your diet - Dalia, Corn etc. will help prevent stomach discomfort and you will feel lighter.
    • The golden rule for food safety is to keep hot foods hot& cold foods cold.
    • Parents should teach good habits by example.
    Good Sleep - Good Exam.
    • Insomnia ( The inability to fall or stay asleep) Can be caused by Stress & anxiety of Exam.
    • Disturbances of 'sleep- wake' cycle during exams.
    • If sleep struggles continue, talk them over with your doctor..
    Exercise and Physical Activity
    • Walk or cycle 15 minutes a day at least thrice a week.
    • Avoid sitting cross - legged on the ground because this is bad for your knees.
    • Avoid being a couch potato.
    • Cut out junk food and control your weight.
    • Swim or play a sport at least twice a week.
      1. Know your concentration span, Study with breaks.
      2. Work out best time for concentration
      3. Group study for difficult subjects.
      4. Do Not let pervious results discourage you-identify your weak areas from previous exams and work on them.
      5. Time Management plan must be made for all subjects.
      6. Choose a study place with minimum distractions and auto suggest to your self about your resolution.
      7. Try to coincide study time with the time, you would be giving an exam.
      8. In case of average achievers, master what you know and are comfortable with.
      9. for low achievers, master the essential information first.
      10. Prioritize the workload. Give your best concentration time to the toughest subject.
      11. Repeat your learnt work so the recall in exam is easy. Work not repeated or revised is easily forgotten.
      12. Try to plan your revision time by drawing up a timetable. Build in time for the things you enjoy - like watching your favourite TV programme, going out with your friends, or going to play football in the park.
      13. Give yourself a few treats - pamper yourself with a long hot bath, or listen to your favourite CD for an hour after you have finished your revision.
      14. Relax with what you know before entering the exam hall.
      15. Do not get anxious about the result - cross that bridge when you come to it --- options await.
      "Active" Study Strategies
      when studying you can Recite You could
      • Describe or explain aloud any topic in your own words.
      • Teach or explain the information to someone else ( or record into a tape recorder ) or,
      • Engage in simulation or role play.
      When studying, you can WRITE you could
      • Make a chapter study Review Card ( Use an index card: include special vocabulary, main ideas, examples, key events and people, causes, result and so on )
      • Make and use a set of flashcards ( vocabulary and definition, math problems and solutions, questions and answers and so on),
      • Make list of related information by categories ( causes results, important event or concepts, main ideas examples, key people and so on and recite them,
      • Draw a diagram, map a sketch, or a chart; do this from memory and check your notes or books for accuracy,
      • Write questions you think will be on the test and recite the answers, Create a mnemonic to remember, information ( such as please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally, used for order of operations in solving an equation - Parenthesis - Exponent - Multiply - Divide - Add - Subract )
          How do I deal with exam related stress?

          Recognize your negative thoughts. Once you closely examine these thoughts you'll see how unrealistic they are. Challenge the thoughts that say you are a failure and that you can't succeed. Remind yourself that it was just another exam and with effort, you will do better in your next attempt.

          What if I don't get the marks I'm expecting?
          Concentrate on your achievements and be realistic about your expectations as well. Usually we know when we have made a mistake, so take these into account while drawing up expected marks. If you are still dissatisfied with the results, the option of rechecking is always open.

          I think there is too much pressure can't cope with it. 
          Take professional help. If you feel that there is pressure and you are unable to handle it and your self-esteem is coming down and you are unable to cope, then you must consult a psychiatrist to help you tide over this phase.

          How much sleep is required?
          The human body requires an average of 8 hours of sleep per day but there is no hard and fast rule. Each one of us has to understand our body rhythm and know by trial and error how many hours of sleep keeps us fit.

          What happens if we sleep less than what our body requires?
          If you sleep less for a day or two your body copes up by taking more sleep over next two days. If continued for long then the body gets into what is known as sleep debt. Then you get symptoms of feeling tired and sleepy, headaches, body aches, poor digestion, inability to concentrate, irritability, short temperedness etc.

          Should I study in the morning or at night?
          First understand whether you are an owl or a lark. IF you can get up early in the morning and feel fresh then you must sleep early and get up early and study. If on the other hand you can study later at night but cannot feel fresh when you get up early to study then you must sleep late after studying and get up later in the morning.

          How to get good night sleep?
          Try to keep a fixed time every night for sleeping as far as possible Avoid afternoon prolonged sleeping, a short nap may be helpful. One hour before bedtime avoid stimulating your sensory system by too much noise like loud music, too much TV, arguments or fights. Three hours before sleep time avoid taking any food or liquids, which contain caffeine, like aerated cold drinks, drinks containing chocolate.

          To keep awake for studying students drink lots of coffee. What is the harm?
          Caffeine in small doses acts as a stimulant and keeps you awake, so a cup once a day may be OK, Excessive coffee drinking gives side effects like tremors, fast pulse rate, irritability and stomach pain. Coffee also causes addiction.

          How does exercise help ?
          Regular aerobic exercise ( Swimming, bicycling, jogging ) improves the function of our cardiovascular system. This makes the circulation better, the lungs process oxygen more effectively so you have less exertion. Heart pumps blood with fewer heart beats ( the athletes pulse is always slow) it stimulates the growth of capillaries that increase blood supply hence better oxygenations to muscles. All this makes your body more efficient and give your more endurance capacity giving you more stamina for working so that you can sit longer hours without discomfort. This will make you study harder and better.

          Diet During exams:
          Diet is very important during teenage years, improper diet will lead to poor growth and vitamin and mineral deficiencies.

          What happens If you miss breakfast?
          If you miss breakfast them by the time you have lunch nearly 10+12 hours have gone by after your last meal. This means your blood sugar level has gone and you have nothing to provide your body with energy. This low blood sugar or hypoglycemia causes short term memory problems, difficulty in concentration problem solving.

          DO NOT MISS LUCNH if you do so your blood sugar level will again dip down and you will have all symptoms of hypoglycemia and will not be able to perform after lunch hours. You will be also be very fatigued by the time you come home and will not be able to study in the evening.

          You will feel very heavy and sleepy and will not be able to study well.

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